By the Grace of God

Reflecting over time, looking forward and believing God has something in store bigger than anyone can imagine. This is my way of scribing all the events as they come to pass so that people can know me and perhaps a bit more about themselves.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Praise God Its Cold!

This morning has been a nice and quiet time of reflecting over the past 4 days. With the weather being so cold, we have hunkered down in our house for the most part. This has allowed some nice time with God and and my wife.

We were blessed Friday night with our kids being kept by Mrs. C. The ladies from our cell group had a ladies night, and the men were treated to a feast at the church complete with a message from our pastor about lifting up the gates so the King can come in out of Ps. 24. More on that in another post.

Becuase my lady and I were kid free for the first time since Sept. we decided to go see a movie. Ths is no easy choice. I am at a place in life that is preventing me from enjoyig the stuff I used to. I have stated many times over the past 9 months that I am tired of wasting time. God has a grip on me that you just cant escape. True, we have free will to leave, but I know better. Bottom line is that my time needs to be either pressing into God personally, or doing something to help others press in.

So when we looked at the movies that were playing, we chose End of the Spear . This is an excellent movie. There was a line in it that echoed around all night, "sometimes you have to do what your heart is telling you to do". This sums up very well the past 4 days.

This past 4 days have been a very sweet time. Leading up to the time off, I was feeling more and more that I needed spend time in prayer and fasting. I had never done a fast, so I looked online to see what a fast was about and why do one. I went here and read this line that pinpointed exactly where I was/am:
"So a reason for fasting is not something that you choose on the spur of the moment. Rather the reason is a consuming one. In a sense, it's not something you choose, so much as something that chooses you, because it's that important".

That sums up nicely how I am feeling. But if that wasnt enough, I listened to a message by Misty Edwars (you can click on the headphones to listen to it too).

So come Wednesday night as I went to sleep wondering if God wanted me to do a fast. I decided that I should seek confirmation. I prayed, "God, if it is -45 and I dont have to go to work, that will be my sign". The rest is history. I will post over the next few days some of what God shared with me over this time and what I am going to do about it. Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Too Cold! Time to Ponder

It is 2pm and the sun and is setting in Alaska. It was in fact too cold for business today. I am really happy about that. Not just because I get to stay home with my wife, and kids, but because I get to listen in to the Prayer Room at IHOP more. I also get to rest, get caught up on chores and make some yummy veggie soup. I decided against the moose pot roast I had planned. Perhaps later this weekend.

I have been blogging now for a few weeks and have only gotten 1 comment. What gives people? I am not a 'chatty' type, but I do like to add my thoughts to the thoughts of other bloggers not to mention real life.

So here is the question of the day. Who out there feels like you are in a place in life that is requiring you to search your inner self and why, and what are you doing to find answers? To be fair, I am at a place similar to this. I read another blog at Randy's site
where he was talking about things to do to help you focus on what is important. It is worth reading, but I think there is much more to the discussion.

I admit it

Yesterday's post was short and not very well done. I was hurried and it was late.

Today it appears as though I am going to have ample time to do nothing because it is -46 outside right now. If that temperature holds for another 15 minutes or so, I will be able to stay home from work.

Speaking of that, yesterday I was chatting with a coworker that was trying to meet up with another agency in town. This agency is an Alaskan Native Corp. that handles the business and personal needs of their people throughout Interior Alaska. As we were talking, he said he could not get the information he was wanting from them because they were closed due to cold weather. I nearly spit out my coffee laughing. There is certainly something wrong when the time tested and tough Alaskan Natives know when to stay home, yet we silly others stay out in the cold. I bet God was laughing too.

I cant wait to see if I get to stay home. More on that later.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Weaving a Web

Have you ever kept a journal? Have you ever written down what you did for a few days just so you could keep things straight? Recently I have been going back over some of the stuff I have done over the past year and I am floored by what I see.

I was telling someone today how I am amazed by how I crossed paths with people like Jason Upton, Shawn Boltz, Kirk Bennett and places like Kanasa City and IHOP. I find it ironic that I had no clue until jsut the past few weeks that they are all connected if even remotely.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mt. Mckinley Up Close

This picture was taken by my father during his Incentive Flight in an F-16 out of Eielson AFB, AK. When the aircraft launched they were in full after-burner for the entire runway, then pulled up and went perfectly vertical to 10,000 ft, flipped upside down and then right side up and headed for Mt. McKinley. The flight lasted 45 minutes, approximately 1 minute for every year my dad devoted to serving our country in active duty and civil service. My family was there that day to see him off into the Wild Blue Yonder and I could not have been any happier or proud. Thanks again for your service Dad!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday Morning Ick

I dont know about you, but I really dont like Monday mornings. Perhaps it is because of the laziness from the weekend wanting to still hold on. Perhaps it is because it is -30F outside and my down comforter is really comfortable. I don't really know why, but I do know that Mondays seem to be practically useless.

Even at work the day seems to fly by without anything getting accomplished. By the time the first cup of coffee is finished (20 oz. or larger) it is time for lunch and then staff meeting. Then its time to go home.

On the brighter side, the simple fact that Monday goes by fast means I am one day closer to the weekend with little effort. I think most of this rant stems from it being -20 to -40 for a few weeks now and I am sick of it. Do you realize that nearly every place in the United States is warmer than Fairbanks? In fact, I challenge you to find a place colder.

That brings up another gripe. For a week now, CNN's website has been talking about how cold it is in Russia. I have nothing against our neighbors, but give me a break! They could at least talk about us too! Not to mention the price of heating fuel.

Back to the brighter side.... Christ Tomlin's song How Great is Our God was playing on the kids' radio when I woke up. After all is said and done, that was a GREAT way to wake up Monday morning.

God, help today to be the day you want it to be. Help my attitude to be what you want. I pray for the leaders of all nations for peae and wisdom. May today, in every way, be the day You made for us to be glad and rejoice in.

Friday, January 20, 2006

This picture is of the same glacier in Valdez. The picture below of my wife and daughter was when we standing in the dark blue cut in the middle of this pic. Posted by Picasa

These ladies are the best! This picture was taken at the base of glacier right outside Valdez, Alaska.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

cool Alaskan pics

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Quote of the Day

Though simple consequences disturb, they need not defeat us. God will see us through. Though conflicts disrupt, they need not destroy us. Though personal confusion disarms us, it need not divert us. - Chrles Swindell 1-31-93

I found this while cleaning off my computer desk and flipping through an address book of all places.

ON a side not and off topic, do yourself a favor and go to
grab the player that is free there and get yourself into podcasting. I would suggest going to the International House of Prayer once there, go to ONETHING at the top and subscribe (for free) to their podcast and get the worship set of Misty Edwards live at ONETHING 2005 in KC on Dec. 29th. It is a great set and will expose you to what her ministry style is all about. THere is also a great message avail for podcasters to download from Corey Russell. It is a great heartfelt all real, no bologne message... exactly what I like

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Little Kenny

Happy Birthday to my baby boy. Well he isnt such a baby, he is 8 today. He sure makes his parents proud! He is turning into quite a sensative spirit and full of fun and life.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Friday the 13th AND Full Moon

I drove out of my neighborhood at 8:15 headed to downtown Fairbanks. I gazed into the sky which was still dark and noticed the moon was full. I have learned over the past several years that the full moon is reason to be extra aware of all things goofy. Today was no different.

When I arrived at work it was clear in moments that I was in for a doozy of a day. Another social agency in our town with a similar name was on top of the fold, front page of the local newspapaer. Apparently, they were served simultaneous warrants at their organization, the church that birthed the organization and at the home of the agency director/pastor of the church.

If this wasn't bad enough, the name of the org. being investigated is very close to the name of the one I work for. The local media that does a quick news blip once an hour during the Today Show in the mornings, repeatedly used my place of enployment as the agency in hot water.

All of this meant that today was officially Freaky Friday and we were in full blown spin mode. By the grace of God we weathered the storm of the day as a staff remarkably well. Everyone kept thier heads, and even though stress was at a high, we stayed diligent to the task at hand.

A press release (the first one in our 20 yr. history), a 1/4 pg. ad in the paper on Sunday and contact with every media outlet in town was accomplished by days end. Not to mention the same material going out to all our affiliated churches and ministries. Can I get a whoa nellie?

I went from work to prayer over the cell groups I am a part of. In the past few weeks, my wife, myself, and Mr and Mrs. C gather to pray beofre cell. This time has proven time and again to be valuable, smart, prophetic and timely.

On the way from prayer to cell I heard a song on KLOVE (dont normally listen to that station or radio at all for that matter) but it was How great is our God by Chris Tomlin. I have heard that song about 6 times in the past few months and every time it strikes something deep. Our God is indeed GREAT.

With all that happened at cell and prayer for friends needing help with thier house, to a marriage that needs some support, to wieghty decisions for future paths of life, to prayer for a child that has intense medical needs, there was no question that God was present. Everyone could sense it. I also believe that there was no question it started by the 'leaders' seeking God before the meetings.

The day ended with all praise and glory to God. As the kids and I drove home from cell, we turned on the radio...guess what was playing..... How Great is our God?!

Really, how great is He?

I am on my face humbled and in awe.

Praise God!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

C-Day +2

Calendar day came and went. I still wonder what exactly was accomplished with having an entire day devoted to all of us placing what we have planned for the year on one and half foot square laminated calendars. We all could have gone up to them and placed the information at different times and then had it all compiled into Outlook and shared over our server. It all seemed silly.

Now we move onto bigger and better things at work. This is our 20th year and it will be interesting to see where God takes this organization and who all will still be around at the end of the year.

On a completely different note, we are days away from listing our house again. We tried to sell it this past summer, but it was clearly not God's will at the time. I am thankful it wasn't too. We have since seen God open our eyes and hearts to much more than what we were perceiving as of last summer. I think the most incredible part of all God is doing is that my wife and I are doing this adventure truly together.

So many times over the years I have encountered couples that pretend that they are sharing everything, but then you find out that they have separate bank accounts, or separate interests in life. I am so thankful that my wife and I are one in every sense of the word. We enjoy doing the same things, we have managed thus far not to let money come between us. We often make decisions regarding finacnes and careers that would make most people shake thier heads. We simply value happiness more than money, and understand that money does not equal happiness.

I am happy today, it makes two days in a row that both work and home are good. I wonder what God will bring along tomorrow. One thing is for sure, it starts with my boss and the board president and me in a meeting that could go a number of directions. God you are wonderful! All praise to you!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Calendar Day

Today is calendar day at my job. We are closed to the public and are matching up our calendars and plotting out the new year. I actually laughed at this idea. Not because I think it is ridiculous, but because I can never plan on what tomorrow is going to be. For whatever reason, God hasnt allowed it. God only allows me to do whatever He wants when He wants.

Since April '05 and seeing Jason Upton, God has kept me on a constant path of transition, renewal and rebirthing. The past nine months has seen me go from a directior of finance position to a position at a Christian non prof.

I cant wait to see what the next 9 months holds.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Equip the Children

I saw this on another site, or at least another sign that is customizable. This line was used during the OneThing 2005 conference in KC last week. It speaks of not babysitting the kids at church but equipping them in the real spiritual matters of a God that loves us and longs to see us walking in His fullness. To see more about this go to http:\\ and then look for CEC which stand for the Childrens Equipping Center headed up by Lenny Laguardia.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

On with the New Year

Today is January 3rd. I am sitting here waiting patiently for my son to go to sleep. This past week I watched the majority of the Onething 2005 Conference in KC online. What I saw was awesome. The worhip was great, the speaking was powerful and thought provoking and seeing 10,000 young adults crying out to God was incredible.

This was the first New Year that I brought in with praise. I had tears in my eyes watching Merchant Band playing while Mike, Bickle, Allen Hood, Dwayne Roberts and thier children and others danced around happily praising God as the clock struck midnight in KC.

Probably the most touching part of the conference was seeing children aged 5-15 or so dancing and singing in front of the crowd. There was something about how the children were that brought tears to my eyes. They weren't doing this performance becasue their parents marched them up there, they wanted to be up there.

My wife and I are wanting so badly for our kids to experience the real true God. Not the puppet show and coloring pages god that most sunday schools expose their kids to. We want our kids to be living spiritually fulfilling lives. I pray that my children grow to be adults after God's heart.

I am excited to see where my family is in 9 months. Talking with my mom this weekend, we found it a bit uncanny how much has happened with the last 9 months. There is no question that God has birthed something in my family. What will the next 9 months hold?