By the Grace of God

Reflecting over time, looking forward and believing God has something in store bigger than anyone can imagine. This is my way of scribing all the events as they come to pass so that people can know me and perhaps a bit more about themselves.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hello... Is There ANYBODY Out There?

What a crazy several weeks this has been. Full of great stuff, full of not so great stuff and full of just plain ol' stuff. We have so many people over for dinners and meetings I am not entirely sure I could count them if I tried.

I have wanted to post many times with events that were unfolding or taking place, but time and sanity woudl not allow me. Right now we are just over 1/2 way through the Intro to IHOP program that our "bosses" wanted us to take. We would have taken this course ourselves only later, but because of our positions within IHOP, we needed to go through this course.

In brief, this course parallels the first semester of the school of ministry here at IHOP KC. Our first class was Excellencies of Christ taught by Allen Hood. We were looking forward to this class with so much anticipation you would have thought it was Christmas Eve. Then tragedy struck and we returned to Alaska for brief visit and memorial service. We basically missed the entire class. The next class we jsut finished today was Biblical Foundations of Eschatology taught by Davied Sliker. Eschatology is the study of End Times. We were pleasantly surprised by this class. While perhaps not agreeing with all of what was presented in the 3 week course, we definitely have mroe info to comb through, with scripture referrences to go with it than EVER before in our lives. We were challenged to search the scriptures and sort this stuff for our selves and we will... we are! We have one more 3 week course to go and then we gear up for ONETHING-KC and 15-20 thousand person event the last 3 days of the year.


But then here is my question. Is there anyone out there reading this that even cares (no not you mom or dad)? We sent out 100 letters to people we know through our church. We have emailed many people. We have left phone messages. It is like people were abducted by aliens or something. It is flat weird. Even if you just causally read this blog and I dont know you.. speak up! Interact! Say hi.

I like to think of myself as an encourager. Often times I am saying things to people that is to pick up their spirits or just to be nice and friendly. Sincere and fun. But here is the question, how long do you continue doing so with it being only a one way street? Weeks? Months? Years? I tell you it is challenging to say the least. Then, after you thinkyou have the answer, think about this. How long did Jesus continue being nice, dare I say LOVE you before you turned to Him and gave Him your heart? Weeks? Months? Years? If we are to truly "be like Jesus" what does that REALLY mean? Turning the other cheek, forgiving AND forgetting, wow! I tell you it is a challenge. I am challenged to love one anther as I would want to be loved. Are you? If you are, tell me about it. I want to know you are out there and what you think!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Times, They Are a Changin

Here is a link to my escapades over this past weekend. If you scroll down you can see pics.

It has been a fast and furious few days around IHOP and our house. Yesterday was my 34th birthday, and at one point, I told Rachel that it did feel a lot different turning 34 vs. 33. For some odd reason, when I turned 33 I felt like I was on the cusp of something. While it could be argued that this is the case right now in many ways, it doesnt have the same effect as a year ago. I suppose it is because a year ago we were without direction while right now, we clearly now the direction we are going, but could not tell you were the train ride (or should I say rollercoaster) ends.

The rollercoaster part brings up a good point. Not long ago, we heard the director of hte Forerunner Music Academy (Derek Loux) talk about living a life by faith. He compared that lifestyle to that of riding a rollercoaster. Some days you are going uphill and it feels like the weight of the world and all it's pressures and stresses are pulling you backwards. Other days, you are at the top of the hill and you can see for miles in all directions. Then there are those days that you are about to rocket down the other side. Similar to the Splash Mountain ride at Disney land, you can't see the bottom of the hill as you are plumetting at the speed of sound. It creates faith in God that he is going to take care of us. He has our best interest in mind.

This is where Rachel and I see ourselves right now. At the top of the hill. We have given ourselves to the leap of faith it takes for the next "phase" of life to occur, but this does not make it any easier for us. There are a ton of uncertainties. As a good friend of mine calls aprt of what we are looking at, "A big hairy gorilla". The best part though, is that God beat Goliath.

Faith is a great thing to ponder. This past weekend we taught our 4-5 year old class about the armor of God found in Ephesians 6. As we went 1 by 1 through all the pieces there were a couple really interesting points that hit home to me. I love when as I teach the little guys I get ministered to as well. the first point was this, the shield of faith. It is our faith that provides a shield around us as we pray. We believe that God is going to answer our prayers according to His will. It is almost as if there were an invisible force field like a Star Trek cloaking device around us. Our faith in God protects us from the lies of the enemy. It even combats the lies and strengthens us.

Second point was that all but one part of the armor is defensive. I suppose that it could be argued that the boots to spread the gospel are offensive because it is forwarding the kingdom of God. However, one part that is for sure an offensive weapon is the Sword. The sword refers to the Word of God. The Bible. Every word of it is true and can cotradict the best of the enemies lies. Recently, I ws provoked by someone that compared what muslims extremists teach their kids with guns and terror tacticts while we teach kids with coloring pages and puppets. He then went on to add we should be teaching the Bible. So that we can fire back at them love, intercession (prayer), and quote the prophecies(promises) of the Bible. Just take a moment and pnder that. See how provoked you get.

Here is my last thought. The Day of the Lord is both terrible and great, who can endure it? That question was posed to the believers of God 1000's of years ago. I am asking myself as i ask you, are you in a place right now to say yes to that question? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fall Brings Change and a Time to Reflect

What Made Us Come to KC Part I

Part 2A

Part 2B See the post "Closing Day"

The Wrap Up

Because people have been coming to the site that do not know our story, I thought I would put up the story of how we got here. There is much more to tell, but this is the beginning and from there, both of you readers can browse around.

Rachel and I are putting the call out to everyone to please be praying earnestly for us and the Children's Equipping Center Leadership Team. Great things are happening and we can see the spiritual battles intensifying. We need extra prayer covering. We are also wanting to hear specifically how we can pray for you!

Be watching over the next couple days for big announcements. Speaking of BIG announcements, go check out my buddy Randy's blog too. Talk about a testimony!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Is it Fall?

The past 3 days have been record breaking hot here in KC. 95 degrees hot. The trees are turning yellow, and leaves are accumulating on the ground, but you would not know it by this past heat wave. When I check the weather in Fairbanks, it says that it is cool, about 30 at night and approaching 50 during the day. Now that sounds more like fall.

Fall brings about the thought of change. Not only is it a change of the season, but there is a lot of change in the air. I will post more on that as time allows, but suffice it to say that life is getting exciting ways I would have never thought imaginable even a year ago.

A year ago, I was cutting up a moose that I had taken with my bow only days earlier. Now I am in KC working at the Internation House of Prayer. I am part of the ONETHING/Forerunner Media team as well as part of the Childrens Equipping Center Leadership team. How God has orchestrated all of this is not only amazing but humbling. I look at all of the things Rachel and I are doing and shake my head in wonderment. How is it that we landed here and got involved in the areas we are? What is it God is bringing about in our lives? What is God doing in the lives of our children?

So change is in the air, it is all good and nothing earth shattering, but the excitement and pace of life is greatly increasing. Please be praying for us. We appreciate any extra prayer covering we can muster.