The End of the Beginning

These are a few pics of the recent snow storm. Notice on the satellite picture how defined the line of snow was. Amazing!
Today marked and end of a chapter in our lives here in KC. We are officially finished with Intro to IHOP. We are sad and happy at the same time. I can see a ton of stuff that we left on the plate, but I also see a lot I want to do more slowly and thoroughly. Many people said today during our closing ceremonies that they had a lot more questions and the questions were good. It was the point of this 3 month period to get just enough to point us in the right direction, but to position ourselves for life-long pursuit of the knowledge of God.
So all this leads to the next best question of the day. What next? One word is the answer. Life. We settle in, settle down and live life. Nothing is changing regarding our positions at IHOP. We are still directing the Prayer Ground (1-5yr old rooms) and I am still with Onething doing financial management.
We have about 3 weeks before the big ONETHING event at the end of the month. We are launching in January Passion for Jesus TV. You will be able to find it on GODTV (dish network 365) or the web at Please be praying for us! We need prayer covering. if you chose to pray for us, tell us so we can send you a thank you.
We're praying for you guys. No thanks needed. It's what we do.....
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