Today begins what some consider to be the busiest travel week of the year. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and families are gathering to enjoy the festivities and slumber under a triptophan enduced haze. Over the past couple weeks, I have been taking note of what I am most thankful for. Occasionally, I find it to be a great excercise to take stock of all the good stuff in life.
I'll save my list for later in the week, but I will give you a couple freebies:
I am thankful for these three guys, they inspire me, make me laugh, and two of them are great friends. Go check out their blogs, one of them is on a trip of a lifetime. You figure out which one I no particular order...
Randy Bohlender
Josh Motlong
Brian Zahnd
Ken Pleasants has a blog. How did I not know this? Perhaps I will put you on my Blogroll or something.
P.S. You are freakin' amazing. Love your sense of humor.
Hello down there!!!
Don't loose heart! We are praying for you and miss you... whats your emai;? I've somehow never written it down :) THank you for all the encouragement you'e given me in this season... there is light at the end of this tunnel! I wish I had something witty or profound to post but I'm not so good at that. Heres one the Lord has been showing me and trying to reinforce through His people and the abundant love that He somehow thinks I'm worthy of (I'm starting to realize my value to Him. Its a rough road wrought with broken dreams and unforgiveness that only He can mend) I pray that who ever reads this wil be encouraged by it:
HE found him in the desert land, and in the howling waste of a wilderness; He encircled him,He cared for him, He guarded him as the pupil of His eye. Like an eagle that stirs up its nes, that howvers over its young, He spreads His wings and caught them, He carried them in His pinions(wings).
"The Lord alone guided him, And there was no foreign god wih him." Deuteronomy 32:10-12
I love you guys!!! Blessins Martha and ALyx
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