I was lying on my couch last nigt, fighting off a fever and head/chest cold when the kids came in from the Friday night church service screaming, ITS SNOWING! Sure enough, the first flakes of the year were falling. Granted, they weren't accumulating, but for kids (including Rachel and I) that come from Alaska, it was great to see.
I think I am actually on the mend from the cold. It came on fast on Wednesday afternoon. By Wed. night I was done for. Here I sit Saturday eve. upright for te first time since Wednesday. I have to give MAJOR props to by beautiful and wonderful wife who made a pot of homeade chicken soup. She even went out of her way to find barley "just like mom used to make". All you other husbands missed out. I have the best there is. :)
Tonight, at our church, Rick Joyner is speaking. I am interested to hear this fella. I read one of his books a while ago "The Call". It was a recount of a series of visions he had. I dont know how to take those sort of things, but I will say that even 'if' the book was fiction, it was a great read and provided an interesting persepective into all things of a spiritual battle nature.
Please continue praying for us. You can be praying for health as fall is in full swing, for financial breakthrough, and for wisdom and revelation. We appreciate all the prayers more than anything on the earth. While finance makes things happen in the natural, prayer and faith can move mountains!
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