By the Grace of God

Reflecting over time, looking forward and believing God has something in store bigger than anyone can imagine. This is my way of scribing all the events as they come to pass so that people can know me and perhaps a bit more about themselves.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Thoughts for Today

This morning, I awoke to the alarm at 6:30. I am still batling this cold and not really feeling all that healthy at all, but I am beginning to think that I may make a go of it today. Rachel got up with me in order to take a couple friends of ours to the airport for their anniversary trip. As she left at abot 7:30, the kids got out of bed and we all had some snuggle time on the couch before breakfast. I love the fact that my kids still like to snuggle at 10, and almost 9.

We turned on the radio and found the All Christmas All The Time station. With a chance of snow and rain in the morning, it sorta puts us in the right mood. It has been a great morning with the family. We could use a few more mornings like this.

Pray that all goes wel and I make it back to work and class. I am missing everyone and tired of being sick.

On with the day!


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