Last Week of the Intro Community

The end of Intro to IHOP is upon us. There are mere hours left of what was a 3 month spiritual journey. I wrote on the evaluation form that I felt like I would score myself at 40-50%. Sounds bad huh? I don't think so. While there is no question that I could have given myself more fully to the program, I look at this time as literally "INTRO". Just like the statement, "today begins the rest of your life", those of us in Intro are setting out on a life-long journey of prayer, fasting and pursuing the knowledge of God and His will for our lives.
The picture above reminds me of what community is all about and to me what we all long for. Let me tell you the story behind the picture. Do you see the girl on the end closest to you, she is the sister of the other girl standing next to the fella holding his Bible. About a year and half ago, 7 Thunders with Kirk Bennett from the International House of Prayer in KC came to our church in Fairbanks, Alaska. 7 Thunders spoke at length about re-establishing a culture of LIFE in America and taking a stand against abortion by praying for a culture of LIFE. This started a tidal wave of events within our church and within my life personally.
During the 7 thunders event, the girls mom had a conversation with her family and disclosed to them that she had an abortion years ago that no one knew of and had been carrying the guilt and shame of this for years. The mother then got up in front of the church and told her story with her kids on either side of her and husband too. There was not a dry eye in the house as she told of how she felt about her own abortion and how she wanted to be able to share her whole heart with her daughters.
Even before the 7 Thunders event and the mom telling her story, all her kids were amazing people in our church. Their daughters I got to know a little later that summer, but every time you came in contact with this family it was as if you had been encountered by angels. It was because of the heart of this family and the call to stand against abortion that many of our church did a 21 day Silent Prayer Seige at the local Federal courthouse.
The church bonded together and stood as a community individually and with this family. You see that fella on the end holding the bible? That is my pastor, my spiritual father, my friend. Words do not express the integrity of this man. He has instilled deep within me the need FOR community and the need to ESTABLISH community. There is rarely a time that I cannot be the good samaritan. If someone is hurting physically or emotionally, I have to help. There were times in my life when this man gathered support around me in my darkest hour. Even when he would have likely been inclined to dig a hole, throw me in and cover it with cement, he didn't. He loved me uncondtionally and challenged others to do the same. What a great example!! I am grateful to know him
So as this "Intro" period ends, I dont look at it as finishing something, rather as the beginning. It is as though all the ingredients of my favorite cookies have been put together in the bowl and then placed on the cookie sheet. The only thing remaining now is the time to bake them to perfection via a Refiner's Fire
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