Monday Morning Ick

I dont know about you, but I really dont like Monday mornings. Perhaps it is because of the laziness from the weekend wanting to still hold on. Perhaps it is because it is -30F outside and my down comforter is really comfortable. I don't really know why, but I do know that Mondays seem to be practically useless.
Even at work the day seems to fly by without anything getting accomplished. By the time the first cup of coffee is finished (20 oz. or larger) it is time for lunch and then staff meeting. Then its time to go home.
On the brighter side, the simple fact that Monday goes by fast means I am one day closer to the weekend with little effort. I think most of this rant stems from it being -20 to -40 for a few weeks now and I am sick of it. Do you realize that nearly every place in the United States is warmer than Fairbanks? In fact, I challenge you to find a place colder.
That brings up another gripe. For a week now, CNN's website has been talking about how cold it is in Russia. I have nothing against our neighbors, but give me a break! They could at least talk about us too! Not to mention the price of heating fuel.
Back to the brighter side.... Christ Tomlin's song How Great is Our God was playing on the kids' radio when I woke up. After all is said and done, that was a GREAT way to wake up Monday morning.
God, help today to be the day you want it to be. Help my attitude to be what you want. I pray for the leaders of all nations for peae and wisdom. May today, in every way, be the day You made for us to be glad and rejoice in.
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