Battlefield of Little Bighorn
Tomorrow morning, 15 miles after we leave our hotel, we are going to be taking in the battlefield of Little Bighorn. Today's drive was a beautiful trek from Shelby, Montana down Hwy. 87. I would highly suggest this route to anyone going either north to Canada/Alaska or like us, south.
As we drove we saw a lot of antelope and deer. We even caugth ourselves singing Home On the Range. If anyone out there wondered where Black Angus Beef come from, I can tell you that a lot of it is right here in Montana off Hwy. 87.
This is no doubt Old West country. As we drove down the highway through Great Falls, and Billings you could tell that the buildings were old and likely had been there since the towns were founded. This is the land that Lewis and Clark explored, the land that General Custer made his last stand, you can easily imagine what it must have been like not long ago.
Those who know me well, know that I have a huge heart for Native peoples, especially those in Interior Alaska where I grew up. I am loking forward to paying my respect at the battlefield tomorrow. If only they knew then what we know now....
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