Furnace Update

I have heat in my house via a new furnace.
I can breathe in my house again.
I dont have to spend another $80 at the hotel for night #4.
I get to watch the Super Bowl at my house with my surround sound (christmas present)
My house didnt burn down and my dog didnt die.
I can be at home to post this blog, kick on the IHOP Prayer Room and cook some dinner.
I now have 3500 more airline miles.
The new furnace is not what was ordered. It blows out the bottom vs. top like needed.
They have to come on Monday to swap out the furnace they put in today.
My walls, drawers, every surface that air gets to is coated in soot.
I will be cleaning my house during the pregame of Super Bowl XL.
I am missing church and the chance to chat with a friend I wanted to speak with.
This whole thing cost my family $3500.00 that we didnt want to spend.
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