Signs and Wonders Camp '06
Saturday several people involved with the CEC and many of the counselors for camp all assembled in a large field near Terrace Lakes. The mission of the day was to set-up camp. We put up 20+ 10 man tents as well as a couple gazebos. It was a gorgeous day and the work went relatively smooth. The only damage done happened to be by a particular Alaskan female who didn't realize her own brute strength and snapped a pole used for one of the tents. She says that it was previously damaged, but there is no proof of this.
Sunday was not only Fathers Day, but Opening Day for camp. My own father called me at one point, which was good because I had no idea how to reach him. Once we talked however, I son realized I was going to be challenged to wish him Happy Father's Day as he was sitting in Valdez, Alaska preparing his boat for a voyage to sea for several days. I am as green as the sea with envy, but I digress.
We began our day with my son buying his dad a cup of coffee at the IHOP coffee shop then off to camp. We showed up at 1030 and from then on, it was a steady stream of people. I have not heard the official number of kids this year, but suffice it to say it is very close to 250. This is over a 100% increase from last year. The registration of the children went well and only one parent found it necessary to go to the local one-stop-shop to buy their children a "luggage tent". Seriously folks, you are camping for 4 days in 95 degree heat, what do you need to have with you that requires a pull behind suitcase?
About 1 pm we had to shuttle these children from the camp to the CEC about 2 miles away. Yours truly got to drive a shuttle and had great fun. I will put back on my chauffeurs hat the next three mornings to take the children to the showers. This should provide excitement as there are 7 shower heads and about an hour for all the kids to go through. Can you say military style? RINSE! LATHER! RINSE! GET OUT! Oh I can hardly wait to see how this goes.
The evening finally came to an end about 1130 and the children one by one passed out, I mean went to sleep. I heard this morning from some of the counselors that many kids were up today at 5:30. This provided for some grumpy counselors who stayed up too late.
Rachel is doing a great job being Rachel. She has everybody on the kitchen staff under her sanitizing thumb. So much so, the kids even made a little cheer about her. By the time this is all over she will have a whole new reputation. Seriously though, I am proud of her and the kitchen team. Feeding this many children ANYTHING much less real food is impressive.
One last note. My daughter, Kassidy turns 10 today. I can't believe that she is officially closer to 18 than birth. We are very proud of her and how well she has adapted to KC and growing into her personality. She is a beautiful girl, especially on the inside. Kassidy, may not only today be joyous, but the remainder of you childhood. Keep pressing into what God has for you and keep praying!
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