What a Week and Today is Tuesday!
As I sit here writing this at about 9:30pm, it is still in the 60's outside after what turned out to be a record breaking hot day of 91. It was only forecast to be about 75 or so.
Today, we had a meeting with Winnie to continue the search for homes. This has turned out to be quite the experience on a couple different fronts. First, and foremost, Winnie is flat out incredible. She has a knack for realty and an even bigger knack for people. She took us under her wing right away and made us feel special. She even gave our kids a really cool flip chart of just about evey tree you can think of that has a picture of the tree and facts about the species. We were given this because we kept asking what kind of tree we were looking at.
Last week on Friday we made an offer on a house. The house was really special and lots of custom stuff through out. There was instant equity too because the family was eager to move and dropped the price to ensure a sale. Long story short, we got outbid by a God thing. We had prayed that if God wanted us to have the house that it would work out, and if not, He would close the door. The next morning, after making the offer, we were out shopping and never even thinking about the house. Another family swooped in and made a high pressure bid that the sellers had to sign by noon. We never even got the messages until almost 1. We made a backup offer just in case the other one fell through, but really, that house is awesome, I would be very surprised if anyone backed out.
This all brought us to today. We met again with Winnie after being seriously disappointed this weekend. We werent even sure what we wanted to do. We managed to scrape up a few different homes to look at so by about noon, we were off and looking. There was a house that we couldnt get an appointment for until the very end of the tour. As it turned out, we ended up making an offer on that house. It is in the neighborhood close to IHOP, and from what we have seen, it is one of the best. It even has a fireplace which in this neighborhood is a rarity. Time will tell if this one goes through OK. Everyone that reads this please shoot up an extra prayer for us.
As for everything else, we are doing great. My pneumonia is getting better day by day. Te kids are doing great and getting more and more tan by the hour. We mowed the yard today for the first time of the season. Life is good. There is something about waking up to the sound of birds chirpping outside.
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