Down and Out..and Back Again

This picture is of the 2 Kennys and Kassidy. Click on it for a good look at their expressions. The ride was at the mall in Edmonton. I have been promising Kassidy that I would put the picture up, but keep forgetting.
The past few days have been trying. I came down with a fever that just does not seem to quit. I dont have any other symptoms of anything, but a long lasting low-grade fever. Yesterday it did manage to go to about 102, but I stayed in bed and finally took some medicine and it went back down. Today I was feeling pretty good and thought I had kicked it, but as I type this, it is back around 99.5 and I am feeling achey again. What a drag.
There is a silver lining to this cloud. We went looking at some houses today. We may have even found one. We really like it, but we are still in the 'looking' phase. Also, we are told that the house in Fairbanks is closed and we should be recieving the paperwork and all that good stuff really soon. Almost a full month ahead of schedule!! God is good!
Keep paying everyone and dont be bashful about emailing us. Especially you frozen north types. I know the sun has been getting warm enough to thaw your fingers!
For the record, it is supposed to hit 80 here tomorrow for the first time since Nov 8th.
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