By the Grace of God

Reflecting over time, looking forward and believing God has something in store bigger than anyone can imagine. This is my way of scribing all the events as they come to pass so that people can know me and perhaps a bit more about themselves.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Staining, and Burning

I am pretty sure that the past couple days I have worked harder than I have since last year at Chitina. For you non-Alaskans, Chitina is a place that Alaskans go to dipnet Copper River Red(sockeye) salmon. A family can get 30 salmon per year. I have been there at times when the fishing was so good that we got our family limit in about an hour, I have been there other times when I stayed up for nearly 3 days straight fishing non stop. It is back breaking work regardless of speed, but te rewards of sockeye salmon are great!

I have climbed ladders over and over again cleaning gutters, stooped and bent like a catcher playing baseball abot 200 times while I stained a deck, porch and other outside wood. Today though, I topped it all off with the assault on the critter living in the bathroom fan.

We had been hearing some disturbing noise coming from the region of our non-functional bathroom fan, ad then today, we even saw something sort of reach through the vent with what appeared to be a foot of some sort. Now I ask you readers, what on earth would possibly scare someone that goes out hunting where bears potentionally hunt you? Creepy, crawly, crtitters that I dont see coming, that's what. As it turned out, it was a HUGE roach of some sort that freaked out the ladies of my house. I have to admit, I was rather proud of my exterminator accomplishments.

All in all life is good and getting on a more permanent routine. Please send up rayers taht Rachel and I are able to nail down jobs. There are a lot available, but we want the 'perfect' one that He wants us to have.


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