Settling In Nicely Thank You
Okay, for the record, should I ever move again (and I do plan to butwho knows what God really wants) I vow to not volunteer to man a booth at some obscure public event until I am completely settled in to the house.
Today we went to what is affectionately known as Truman Days in Grandview, MO. Now I have nothing against Grandview, Truman or MO., but this street fair was weak even to Fairbanks, Alaska standards. Counting the IHOP booth(s), there were maybe 20 other booths more than 1/2 of which were BBQ or something similar. We were also a bit perplexed as to how we got roped in this thing to begin with since we barely even know what we are doing when it come to IHOP. Oh well, it was intersting to see how they do things here when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Today we also planted 3 trees. An apple that is actually 4 different varieties on one tree, a bing cherry, and a peach. We are really looking forward to harvesting some fruit. We are also going to be working very soon on our garden. We have sweet peppers, herbs, tomatoes and a few other things as well, and those are the ones we bought as starters. It doesnt even begin to count all the seeds we have.
We have our new furniture. We love it too. In one of the pictures you can even see the terra cotta wall we are doing as an accent too. I am also posting a pic of my family, my dad and step-mom. KP#1, 2, &3 all in one picture. Also someone talked about my WIFI antenna above the fireplace so I thouhgt I should you all that too :)

Hey Ken - I think your wifi antenae is upside down....
Your house is sooo pretty!!!! Whoo hoo
Sooo ummm I don't see my room in any of the pice. hehehehe
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