By the Grace of God

Reflecting over time, looking forward and believing God has something in store bigger than anyone can imagine. This is my way of scribing all the events as they come to pass so that people can know me and perhaps a bit more about themselves.

Saturday, January 27, 2007



Monday, January 15, 2007

Good Friends, Good Coffee, Bad Weather

The past week or so has absolutely flown past. We have been so busy that I amazed we survived. At the same time, we also were battling a good old fashioned cold running through the house. I had it for most of last week and Kassidy came down with it over the weekend.

On this past Thursday evening, a member of the worship team from Door of Hope Church in Fairbanks came to stay with us for a few days. We had never gotten to know her while we lived there, but it took us no time connecting and chatting for hours around the ole fireplace. MAJOR kudos go to my favorite cornhusker family who provided us with some wood to burn while yours truly was under the weather.

Speaking of weather... well lets just say that KC is the DMZ of weather. We now live right on the line of where freezing/no freezing takes place. We had 4 days of sleet, freezing rain and snow. The sad part was that the snow didn't happen until the very end so it was just a dusting. We have about one and a half inches of accumulated sleet and freezing rain with a dusting of snow on top. What a mess!

Life for us is slowly but surely getting into a rhythm. It is nice to be able to have a schedule that isnt changing much for the foreseeable future. Of course, God could and probably will change all that, but for now, it is great.

We got to have our home bred rock star over for dinner on Saturday as well. Tim "Mr. Meekness" Reimherr and his roommate Chris came over for a taco feast with our guest from Alaska. I remember commenting how amazing it is to see the contingent from Alaska growing steadily. God is shaking things up and moving people around regularly and putting them where they belong. It is fun to watch!

So here is hoping that you and your family are recovered after the holidays, staying warm during the winter and staying healthy. We would LOVE to hear from you even if it just a quick email/comment saying hello. I would also love to see where people are at around the globe that read this blog. You two readers must be getting tired of traveling :) By the way Josh... thanks again for the coffee :)

Friday, January 05, 2007


Ok, so sue me if I am grumpy. Better yet, don't because I am and I would lose everything. After the Onething conference I have been sucking wind and trying hard to get caught up on sleep and work and everything else that has been left unattended since Christmas.

I am trying to give myself and others grace to get back in the swing of things but c'mon people. there is work to be done and I don't want to be the only one that is working on things. I know in reality I am not , but it sure seems like it some times. Especially those irritating little things that go unattended. Those little things add up to become big ones when they call on someone of their buddies to get together to ruin my day.

So tonight, it is Friday night. We get invited to go hang out with some great people. People that make me smile and feel appreciated and loved and part of a family. So what do I do? I stink up the joint with a cruddy attitude and grumpiness. What is my problem? I don't like being grumpy, tired, and procrastination. Right now I seem to be king at all three. Help me Lord!

To THE Cornhusker clan... my apologies. I love you all!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Onething WRAP

What a tremendous 4 days of hard work, long hours and little sleep! Happy New Year everyone. Onething 2006 was a major success. Everyone I spoke with yesterday had been deeply impacted by the teachings and music. I am not sure what our official attendance was, but the auditorium seats 10,500 and it was near capacity morning noon and night with several thousand others at various locations throughout the complex at various seminars, booths, and refreshment stands.

A year ago, I was watching the webstream of Onething from Alaska. I had no clue who these people were that were talking about a Bridegroom King and Judge. I couldn't tell you the names of the people singing or the speakers teaching. A year later and I find myself living in Kansas City. Dwayne Roberts, the big cahuna of Onething Ministries is my direct boss, and I can name if not even know many of the players putting on such a wonderful event.

I was deeply touched each evening as I walked into the auditorium during the session, looking around at the full house listening to great teaching and music. I was moved because I realized that God had placed me and my family here in KC for such a time as this. While 10,000 people got their socks blessed off, several 100 of us were volunteering long hours. Realizing that the hard work was what enabled such a great blessing to so many to occur was awesome. to make it even sweeter, the conference was being web cast on IHOP for all the sessions, and on GodTV live 3 hours each day around the world. When I thought about this, it made my complaining about sore muscles and lack of sleep become insignificant. God placed us here for this. What an honor and what a great time!

A special mention goes out to Jon Hall and the Media Dept. These guys pulled off an incredible task that came together literally in the last hours before 2pm Thursday. There was may 6-10 people that worked nearly around the clock for the entire conference. It was wonderful to be part of this team, even if all I did was move some stuff and pull a cable here and there.

If I were you, I would make plans NOW to be here next year. You wont want to miss out.