As stated in my last post, life has been dealing this family a series of left and right hooks lately. Through it all, we are saying, "Praise God!" because we know that God is doing something good. Whenver we have setbacks or trials in life, we find that it is a moment of breakthrough into something bigger and better in our life.
A piece of our family passed away 2 weeks ago yesterday. Skylar Gettinger, 14 went home to be with Daddy. It was sad to see a mother lose a child, but we all know Skylar is much happier! He was severly disabled and is now free, not trapped by this mortal body. We flew up to Alaska to attend the memorial and be with the family.
While this trip could have been full of sadness, instead, there were many high points. THe first was a fmaily get together for dinner with Rachel's sister and family. We had a great time chatting, eating and me teaching them all to play pool again :). The best part however, was as we left at nearly midnigt, we saw the Northern Lights. They were dancing brilliantly. One of the kids commented how it made them think of Skylar dancing with Jesus! Precious.
Another high point was the kids getting to see thier friends at Chinook Montessori School. To us, this school is the best in the nation. It not only teaches these children well, but the family atmosphere is incredible, they require the parents to be involved and the success of this shows in the children. Kenny and Kassidy both thoroughly enjoyed seeing their friends and old teachers.
Next came two nights of feast and fellowship with friends. We were so blessed to reconnect with friends that we havent seen in 6 months. We were able to share with them what we are doing here in KC and spend sweet time together. It is difficult to put into words what they all mean to us, but one thing is certain, we would have never made it this far without them! We love all dearly and long to be living among them again.
One last high point was our forrays into he wilds of Alaska. The picture above is from Creamers Field Migratory Wildlife Refuge. This place holds a special place in our heart. It is so beautiful, and it is right inside Fairbanks. The geese, cranes, ducks and other birds come through there by the 1000's both in spring and summer. It is amazing to see and hear. During the fall, when the sun is shining through golden birch leaves and the air soaked with cranberries and roasehips it resonates deep in the soul. It was god to be... home.
God, thank you for kiss from You to be able to see Alaska at its prime. Bless those up there that we love so dearly, keep them safe and healthy and continue bringing us all into the better things of life that You have for us!
Thank you to everyone for your hospitality. It was a tremendous blessing.