Day 4

Christmas has come and gone. We had a great day. My wife and I were up until 2am or so Christmas eve and the kids were rousing us at 5am. We finally gave in to them close to 6am. The kids were very happy with what all they got. The main gifts for the kids were a GameboySP for our boy and a sewing machine for our daughter. They were both thrilled.
After the gift exchange, we headed out and went to see the Chronicles of Narnia. This was a great way to spend the afternoon with the family. The movie was better than I thought it would be. My kids were thoroughly pleased.
From the movie, we headed over to the kids' Godparents were they received even more stuff. That fmaily looks at our kids like grandkids and does an ample job of spoiling them on every occasion possible.
We ended the evening watching White Christmas. The whole family gathered around and watched one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time.
It is important to us that Jesus be proclaimed as the Reason of the Season. We even hang a stocking for Jesus every year that the kids can place gifst in. Usually the gifts are slips of paper that the kids write what they are giving God such as "a good attitude" or "obeying mom and dad".
The picture with this post is the Nativity scene from our house this year.
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