Day 2

Am at home sick as a dog. I finished watching the Band of Brothers series today and a Ihave to say that is one incredible series.
Christmas is rapidly approaching and I can hardly wait for it to be here and over. I am looking forward to time with the kids and my wife, but I am so not into Christmas this year it is shocking.
On a lighter note. I received Misty Edwards' new CD Always on His Mind in the mail yesterday. It is awesome. Many of the songs she played while we were at the International House of Prayer in October are on the CD. I stronlgy encourae any of you to go out and get it.
I am including a picture with this post as well. This is a picture of the Ft. Wainwright airstrip. I took this awhile ago, but it applies to my life right now. In a lot of ays I feel that life is doing a "touch -n- go" of sorts. Some parts of life are coming in for a landing and others are about to take off. One of the coolest parts is that my wife and I keep praying God's Will and believe that is exactly where we are.
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