By the Grace of God

Reflecting over time, looking forward and believing God has something in store bigger than anyone can imagine. This is my way of scribing all the events as they come to pass so that people can know me and perhaps a bit more about themselves.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Introduction to IHOP -Day 1

Today was the beginning of the Intro to IHOP program that the entire Family is attending. It is the basics of the International House of Prayer all rolled up into one 3 1/2 month internship. The session tracks along with the first semester of the Forerunner School of Ministry as well as a host of other tid bits and loads of time in the Prayer Room.

To Rachel and I, day 1 was a lot of information that we already know. We were watching the faces of those around us, many of whom just arrived in the past few days, and we could see on their faces they were in overload mode. The fact of the matter is though it will not let up until it is over. In reality, it will only get more intense, more powerful and more special day by day.

The group of interns going through the Intro program is the largest yet. We number right at 140 adults. Counting the children and family members that aren't actually attending, it is close to 200 fresh faces. I commented to someone that 140 people is larger than most churches and we are only a sliver of al that is going on here at IHOP-KC.

As we set out on this journey called Intro, we are anticipating a lot happening in the lives of these 140 including ours. There is no question that there is something bigger going on, and only One knows what it is.


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